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Wednesday, January 27, 2010


The container and its contains are the same ,but there is an analysis to it from the scientific point of view. If water is made of H2O and that content in any thing will also be called H2O or not? consider yourself made by an intelligent being what do you think would your content? different or the same in a smaller quantity but the same quality. What makes you to think that the end and source are different? faith in God is no fallacy it is real as the wind you feel and the scent you smell. You can't be a monkey,horse,or bear with so limited an intelligence. You are more than you think you are; you must believe in God or else you don't believe yourself at all. He is your true self. Far it be from you to be below God your creator. You are not a wood or lifeless stone. If you have any doubt about yourself am waiting for your call any to assist you understand. this is cell number +233(0)246256565 in Ghana. thank you.